Productivity in the Modern Workplace

December 20, 2023

The nature of work has changed – productivity in the modern workplace is all about efficiently turning inputs, such as time and effort, into valuable outputs. It takes the right technology and culture to create the most productive working environments.


Today, employees expect to be able to work collaboratively from any location and on any device, and they place a high value on work that enriches and fulfils them. They are happier, more valued, and more likely to stay, if their productivity tools improve the quality and efficiency of their day-to-day experiences at work. Already making a positive impact, collaboration tools help businesses create a modern, digital workplace that enables employees to work in a more collaborative, secure, and productive way, from anywhere.

Collaboration Tools for the Modern Workplace

Collaborative tools are applications that enable businesses to create a more efficient environment by streamlining common and important activities, such as communication, file sharing, and negotiation. These collaborative tools offer an abundance of options for businesses. They use a cloud infrastructure that allows for network connectivity, flexibility, and scalability. These can be classified under three main types: communication, conferencing, and coordination tools. A collaboration suite features an integrated workspace that allows users to perform actions, such as emailing, virtual meetings, content management, scheduling, and file sharing.

What to Look for in a Collaboration Tool

When considering the What-to-Look-for-in-a-Collaboration-Tooladoption of online collaboration tools, astute business leaders should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of implementing these tools. Some of the challenges of implementation are: the potential for miscommunication (non-verbal cues are often absent in virtual settings), over-reliance on technology (being too dependent on technology makes it difficult to adapt to tech issues), resistance to change, and ease of use and implementation concerns (user-friendly tools are the ticket).

The Right Collaboration Tools Make a Difference

It’s important to ask the right questions before purchasing: “Are they helping or hurting collaboration?” Forbes Councils Member Roland Icard remarked, “Don’t Give a Chainsaw to a Surgeon,” meaning that employees communicate better and perform their jobs more efficiently when they are given the correct tools and are trained how to use them properly.

In addition, even though an employer may provide exactly the right collaborative tools to employees, too many tools can just as easily negatively affect efficiency and productivity. Icard believes that “When employees are forced to juggle multiple apps and intranet sites to communicate (especially if each tool has its own learning curve), the collaboration will suffer, which likely leads to employees feeling isolated and less engaged, which then leads to low productivity.”

Collaboration – Fostering Innovation Seamlessly

Collaboration-Fostering-Innovation-SeamlesslyCarefully selected collaborative tools are a necessary component of forward-thinking businesses because they foster innovation, reduce potential mistakes, and help to create a more enjoyable, stress-free, and productive workplace. Get the right collaboration tools into the hands of your employees and watch their overall well-being skyrocket while your bottom line grows exponentially.

Your Expert Resource for Best-Fit Workplace Technology

Workplace modernization solutions from PointSolve can help you build the infrastructure that provides your team with secure access to applications, services, and information – on demand – from any device and any location. We will guide you to the most suitable systems and software for the needs of your business, then support your team to get the most from it, every day.  Contact us today to schedule a discovery call.
