The Important Role of a Human Firewall

January 31, 2024

Cybercriminals are continuously devising sophisticated methods to infiltrate networks, steal sensitive data, and disrupt critical infrastructure. To safeguard against these growing cyber threats, companies and individuals must implement various technical cybersecurity measures, such as firewalls, encryption, and antivirus software. However, amidst the focus on technical solutions, there is one crucial aspect of cybersecurity that is often overlooked – the Human Firewall.


With cyberthreats becoming a major concern for businesses, human error accounts for a staggering 95% of cyberattacks. In such instances, the human firewall acts as a great supplement to cybersecurity measures to help mitigate the threats. A human firewall is a human layer of protection. Essentially, it’s the collective cyber awareness of your employees. It’s an important component of a company’s overall security strategy, as employees can play a crucial role in preventing cyberattacks.

Why Is A Human Firewall Important For Businesses?

In most businesses, all employees have access to sensitive company and customer data, and therefore everyone plays a role in securing the business. Although most businesses will have other security solutions in place, if a cybercriminal slips through the gaps, or if a business is targeted by an advanced threat, the human firewall may be the one system that is the difference between falling victim to a major cyberattack and staying secure. It’s all about building a defense against threats and attacks through your workforce. A robust human firewall bolsters your company’s resilience, compliance, and trust among clients and partners. After all, you’re only as strong as your weakest link.


Developing a Multi-Layered Approach

A robust cybersecurity strategy combines advanced Developing-a-Multi-Layered-Approachtechnology’s power with well-informed employees’ vigilance. While it’s essential to invest in state-of-the-art security solutions, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption, it’s equally crucial to invest in your human firewall. Employees must understand how to identify, report and eliminate cyber threats. By investing in cybersecurity education and training, you can empower your staff to make smarter decisions when it comes to safeguarding sensitive data and company resources.

Security-first Mindset

A fundemental step in building a human firewall is fSecurity-first-Mindsetostering a cybersecurity culture where employees from the top-down take part in Security Awareness Training (SAT). Get the best outcomes for your business and employees with our Training Solution. The content featured in each PointSolve SAT course has been developed to teach users to keep security top of mind in everything they do and to empower them to be the best defense of their company’s cybersecurity infrastructure.

Whether you have an existing program that isn’t effective or you’re needing to build one from the ground up, PointSolve can be your all-in-one partner for any of your IT security needs, including security awareness training. Our experts can facilitate customized learning modules, conduct phishing simulations, generate reports, and show other features of cybersecurity consulting services. Contact us today to get started!
